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Dynamic, Never-Before-Published Work on the Holy Spirit from A.W. Tozer

What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit in our lives? Many look to extraordinary experiences and manifestations as evidence of the Spirit. But what happens when the event is over? How can we experience the Holy Spirit in the ordinary, everyday world? How can we be filled with the Spirit?

In this material taken from Tozer's sermons, he answers these questions and explores life in the Spirit from a balanced perspective. The church needs the gifts of the Spirit--all of them--or it will never be what God intends it to be. But this has to happen in wisdom and humility.

Many people talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, but very few accept the conditions for being filled. Tozer lays down requirements for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and transform us into Spirit-filled people. Though every Christian has the Holy Spirit, not every Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit. He explains the difference and how it could change the evangelical church of today.

Alive in the Spirit: Experiencing the Presence and Power of God

SKU: 9780764218071
  • A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer whose powerful words continue to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's believer. He authored more than forty books. The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy are considered modern devotional classics.

    Reverend James L. Snyder is an award-winning author whose writings have appeared in more than 80 periodicals and 15 books. He is recognized as an authority on the life and ministry of A.W. Tozer. His first book, In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer, won the Reader's Choice Award in 1992 by Christianity Today. Because of his thorough knowledge of Tozer, James was given the rights from the A.W. Tozer estate to produce new books derived from over 400 never-before-published audio tapes. James and his wife live in Ocala, Florida.

  • Is the Holy Spirit Active in Your Life?

    Many people look to extraordinary experiences as evidence of the Holy Spirit. But what happens when the experience ends? How can we be filled with the Spirit every day in the ordinary things we do?

    In never-before-published material taken from A.W. Tozer's sermons, Alive in the Spirit answers these questions and, in a balanced perspective, explores what the Spirit's involvement in your life should look like.

    Many talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, but few accept God's conditions. Tozer lays down these requirements in his trademark bold and wise way. Though every Christian has the Spirit, not every Christian is filled with the Spirit. Knowing the difference will change your life.

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